Computer Support for Workstations
and Laptops
We provide computer support and implementation of new workstations and software to ensure your workstations are providing your employees with the best tools to do their jobs.
Our computer support is very aggressive to maintain current anti-virus definitions and any published patches/updates from Microsoft for the operating system and Office products on all your workstations and laptops.
Network Support for Your Network Infrastructure & Communications Devices
We provide network support to all the peripherals that are associated with a network, i.e.: switches, routers, printers, wireless devices and telecommuting equipment support for remote office employees.
As part of the network support we perform Security audits and evaluate and implement “Best Practices” security processes. We become familiar with your access needs and build a sound security policy around those needs. Our 24/7/365 high availability network support resolves break-fix issues and ensures your network is operational in the case of an emergency.

Server Support for All Your Servers & High-Availability Internet Devices
ECOS provides you with server support, upgrades and implementation of needed applications to realize the efficiency of new technologies.
Server support includes very aggressive maintenance of all your servers with current anti-virus definitions and any published patches/updates from Microsoft for the operating system. We provide MCSE technicians for all server support issues so you know your servers are in good, certified, hands.
Computer Consulting for Your Entire Computer Needs
We design and implement Local Area Networks (LAN) and Wide Area Networks (WAN) with device independence. We work with PC’s, laptops, PDA’s, and wireless technologies. We offer seamless implementation that current technology provides and are constantly looking to the next generation of devices and functionality.
Our platform of software is based upon the Microsoft technology family of products. By proposing and implementing Microsoft architecture products we can ensure compatibility and support for integration of 3rd party devices and software.

Maintenance Agreements Provide You with an “IT Staff” & Partner
With our maintenance agreement we are committed to providing technical services and support as if we were employees of your company. Our maintenance agreement is a perfect fit for companies with Information Technology requirements that don’t justify a full-time employee but see the value that technology brings to a company.
Many financial benefits are realized through our maintenance agreements: reduced hourly rates, 24/7/365 support and computer consulting to verify you are spending your IT dollars the most efficiently. The maintenance agreement requires ECOS to take ownership of your servers and workstations to ensure all the equipment is upgraded and working properly and to verify and implement current anti-virus definitions and operating system patches/updates to prohibit viruses and data hackers.
As part of our maintenance agreement, we monitor your daily backups and notify you if a backup job is not successful. We also restore files each month to verify the backup device is able to restore the files backed up. We take on this role of data redundancy and security so you can rest assured your data is always available for you.
At your option, we can secure a monthly tape backup in our off-site vault. These tapes are cataloged and identified on the monthly report listed the services we provided. If you ever need a tape to restore we can get them the same day and restore your data.
IT Service Categories

Managed IT Services
Our custom, Managed IT Services provide the support necessary to keep businesses up and running with little to no downtime in the event of a computer or network issue. We monitor networks to watch for alerts that tell us of potential problems.
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IT Consulting
The IT Consultants at ECOS work to ensure we match your business with the computer system that will fit your needs, while considering options for future growth. We make the process easy and the outcome effective for our clients.
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IT Support Help Desk
Get your computers and network operating at their full potential with our IT Support Help Desk. Our team is standing by to investigate issues and provide quick solutions. We can provide remote assistance to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
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Windows Support
We provide quality, efficient support for Windows Business users. If your business network is comprised of Windows computers or tablets, our team can help implement great solutions for your business needs.
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Backup, Recovery & Security
Backing up important electronic business data is an imperative, routine practice for businesses to ensure data is protected. We make the process easy and ‘hands-off’ for our clients by providing online, secure, HIPAA-Compliant backup and monitoring.
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Medical & Dental IT
Our team has been serving the IT needs of Medical & Dental offices for more than a decade. Our consulting team has a thorough understanding of the needs and technologies in medical and dental to provide the best solution.
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